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Its Healthy

It eliminates the risk of spreading infectious diseases by avoiding direct contact with the device.

Its Secure

The combination of fingerprint and palm vein patterns make identity forgery attempts an extremely difficult task.

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Its Intelligent

Using machine learning and ai for precise matching and score heuristics for the 5 biometrics.


Using machine learning and ai for precise matching and score heuristics for the 5 biometrics.


Biomatix is extremely easy to use, it takes advantage of the natural placement of the hand.


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So, any physical human trait which is unique for every individual and is measurable can be termed as biometrics. Biometrics involves the authentication of an individual by evaluating one or more unique biological traits. Biometric traits are inherent and unique to each individual and comprise physical and behavioral characteristics such as fingerprints, palm-vein, face, iris, gait, voice, etc. Therefore, biometric security systems can verify an individual’s identity with utmost accuracy and reliability since biometric traits are part of the individual’s being.

The spread of the novel coronavirus has jolted awareness of hygiene as it relates to touching surfaces such as keypads. No longer in favor are contact-based modalities including use of personal identification numbers (PINs) and keypads, and the shift has been sudden and long-term. Both customers and manufacturers were taken by surprise by this aspect of the virus’s impact and are therefore scrambling for solutions.

Protecting confidential information and ensuring healthy standards are becoming all more difficult. Current biometric authentication solutions offered in the market are creating new types of issues such as fingerprint spoofing and transmission of pathogens while subjects are using the device in hygiene and high-security sensitive areas. This has put the focus on biometric security as it is the only effective way to avoid infections by touch. Biomatix delivers tangible and direct benefits to the end-users: BIOMATIX uses contactless scanning method, which helps to prevent spreading of germs, ensuring higher level of cleanliness.The combination of fingerprint and palm vein patterns make identity forgery attempts an extremely difficult task. Thus, BIOMATIX abides to high level of security.Extremely easy to use, takes advantage of the natural placement of the hand.

Palm vein scanning systems, like those for finger vein ID, use a technology based on near-infrared rays and the way hemoglobin in the veins reacts to them. The blood’s hemoglobin is oxygenated in the lungs and the arteries then carry the oxygenated blood to deliver oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
A palm scanner illuminates the palm with near-infrared light, which is absorbed by the deoxidized hemoglobin flowing through the veins. Deoxygenated hemoglobin absorbs more light, reducing the ability of the veins to reflect the light back and causing them to appear as a black pattern that is captured as an image by the system’s camera. The raw data for that image is then processed and compared to a stored record for the individual in question.

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